Farwelli Kaubanduse OÜ started in 1996

We are committed to creating perfect kitchen solutions for restaurants, bars and other catering facilities with main focus on supplying our customers with all the professional equipment as well as smaller tools and appliances they might need for a catering business.
Omades üle 25 aasta kogemust professionaalsete lahenduste pakkumisel koostöös maailma tipptootjate poolt pakutava sortimendiga, oleme tõusnud kindlalt oma ala turuliidrite hulka, olles usaldusväärseks ja kindlaks partneriks Eesti tipprestoranidele.

Unique commercial kitchen solutions and restaurant supplies

We aim to deliver tailored integrated solutions for commercial kitchens, designing the kitchens ourselves in the house in order to cater for the customer's needs and preferences while following food safety requirements. To provide turnkey solutions, we also sell high-quality kitchenware and restaurant supplies.
In order to further perfect our customer service, we have opened Cash&Carry stores in Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu, and we also offer quotes of complete tableware solutions to restaurants.

Laundry equipment importer and dealer

Farwell is also the official Estonian importer and dealer of Electrolux Professional laundry equipment. We provide turnkey packages of laundry and dry-cleaning equipment. Our clientele features a number of major Estonian organizations that operate laundry facilities, including Lindström Eesti, Tallinn prison, Estonian fire stations, divisions of rescue services, defence forces, and NATO structures in Estonia.

Maintenance team

Our own maintenance team installs the commercial kitchen and laundry facility equipment that we sell, also performing its maintenance and repairs. Our technicians can do any works required, including equipment installation and trial start-up as well as training the customers' personnel to use the equipment. Our equipment maintenance network covers the whole country.

Long-term partnership with Electrolux

Farwell cooperates with more than 50 suppliers, many of which have been in the market for decades. Farwell is the official Estonian importer and dealer of Electrolux Professional, which is a global leader in the production of commercial kitchen and laundry equipment, supplying perfect equipment solutions of outstanding performance for professionals.

Office and store in Tallinn

Kanali tee 4, Tallinn
Harjumaa 10112
Tel. +372 602 4411

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